Monday, May 25, 2020
Who Feels Grief - 1779 Words
Little by little, hour by hour, day by day, people die. The people that die could be loved ones, strangers, friends, foes, just about anybody! Death is a terrible ordeal that one has to go through. Although people die every day the loss that someone feels changes them; as well as those they love, those they were close too, even those they don’t know. How can something that is so frequent effect people in tremendous days? Shouldn’t death be expected? Though people are always cautioned to expect the unexpected, when something catches you by surprise however, it can throw you for a whirl. After the death of a loved one, one of the main emotions felt is grief. This leads one to ask quite an important question: what exactly is grief? Grief is defined as a deep sorrow that is often brought out by the death of a loved one. This intense sadness can cause a chain reaction of events that can eventually lead to suicide. Who is susceptible to grief? Just about anyone honestly. No one is able to escape from death. Nearly everyone has experienced this sort of misery at one time or another. One important group that is extremely vulnerable to intense grief are teenagers. At this time of age and time, teenagers have an array of emotions. Teenage hormones are frightening thing. Happy one minute, depressed the next, teen emotions are all over the place. Therefore, it is important to understand just exactly how teenagers deal with grief in this time of age. With all sorts of raging emotionsShow MoreRelatedThe Stages Of Grief Have Been A Topic Of Debate In Grief1553 Words  | 7 PagesThe stages of grief have been a topic of debate in grief counseling since their introduction in 1969 by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, in her book â₠¬Å"On Death and Dying†. These stages of grief can be loosely described as a cycle of emotions that humans can expect to feel, resulting from some type of unexpected loss. 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